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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I hire a mover?

Moving is not only very mentally draining but also very physically draining. And sometimes even dangerous. Handling your large heavy/bulky furniture requires specific moving skill and experience. Moving your items safely requires specific moving equipment to ensure a damage free, safe move.

Should I label all of my boxes?

Labeling your boxes will save you so much stress in the long run. Our movers will be able to organize all of your boxes in their appropriate rooms and stack them neatly. Also while unpacking, it will be much easier to locate the items you’re looking for.

What if I haven’t finished packing before move day?

If move day is approaching and its obvious you wont be packed in time, its critical you call our office to let our team know. From there we will be able to go over the different options. We may require that our movers pack for you, which may result in an extra charge. If we have the availability we may be able to push your move back.

Are there any extra fees I need to be aware of?

Any/All Extra Fee’s should be discussed prior to your move and signed off on! Our extra fee’s include: Pianos and safe’s, fuel for Distances (round trip) over 50 miles, Large workout equipment, boxes and packing materials, trash dumping or multi-truck moves.

How is the cost of my shipment calculated?

Most of our moves are calculated on straight forward, simple hourly basis. Depending on how many guys it takes to efficiently complete your move, determines the cost per hour.

What kind of liability coverage do you provide?

We offer coverage (usually called “released value”) and it assumes liability for your personal property at a rate of $0.60 per pound. Up to $60,000. Keep in mind the level of protection you need may be MORE than the minimum level. If you feel that you need more protection and would like a 3rd party insurer, we encourage you to do so! Be sure to calculate your high value items when making your decision. For example, if your 30-pound vase breaks on the floor, you’ll only get approximately $18 as reimbursement. Basic Liability Protection comes with your move and will have to be signed off on, prior to services.

What can’t we bring?

Packing perishable or hazardous materials without first notifying our team can lead to many problems. Items that seem like “no big deal” such as nail polish remover, paint and cleaning products can cause great damage and will limit the liability of insurance if something were to go wrong. Be sure you know which items are hazardous and pack and move those separately. If you pack your own boxes and items are damaged it will very hard to make a claim against your mover for the items in those boxes or anything effected.

What can you tell me about your workers?

Our team is everything. We pour into our team members and take them to team building events, eat together, do fun activities together and much more. We believe that by creating the family atmosphere, that will show through to our customers, providing a much more satisfying experience! Our staff have to attend bi-weekly training and customer service classes. We provide a Moving Experience that you’ll never forget!

How do you pack fragile or high-value items?

All Fragile and/or high value items should be noted on the box and pointed out to the crew prior to your moving service. (Such as China, artwork, fragile or antique furniture, glass lamps, etc.) We use the industries most highly rated equipment and materials to ensure that your items are packed to perfection! We use packing methods that have been proven across thousands of our moves to ensure that your items are packed correctly and will arrive at the new location safely and securely!

How should I pay and what are the payment methods?

Payments can be made using cash, certified check or money order or credit card. Using a credit card comes with a 3% processing fee. In the event that your employer is paying for the move, the employer may pre-arrange to be billed via invoice. Just be sure to have this all worked out prior to packing and loading. If the method of payment is not established prior to load day, payment will have to be made by the customer moving.

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